Don’t Fall Victim to SEO Scams & Scare Tactics

A contact forwarded an email from an “SEO company” and asked if was it B.S.? (Actual note and I loved it.) LOL yes, B.S.!

Unfortunately, Online Marketing and SEO are the new form of spam/snake oil because anyone with a computer and a Facebook account can claim to be an “expert.” Colleges are starting to develop degrees, but currently only types of valid certification you can get is a Google Analytics Certification and Partnership. Google also has recommended guidelines when hiring an SEO expert.

The note they received included, “there are high chances that your website will be a victim of Penguin 3.0” (Nice scare tactic.) To be a “victim” of Penguin 3.0, which is an algorithm update by Google to weed out fake link building, would mean you’re not really a victim, you were caught.  If you were a “victim” your website traffic dropped dramatically, but if comparison of website traffic from the past month versus previous year has grown, you are safe.

Again this would not affect a website if you only use above the board white hat tactics. The BIGGEST lie of the email or any email one receives from someone phishing for SEO business is the claim of “Your website has low rankings,” IF the website traffic is so low…how did they find you???

I always appreciate when one shares a phishing email they receive regarding SEO or online marketing because a Good SEO Expert loves providing a better understanding of service, standards of tactics and proof of how our tactics have helped.

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